Our Story

Want to make a lasting impact?

Join our Freedom Circle of amazing weekly, monthly, and quarterly donors!


Make a bank transfer

Via Paypal: accounts@starfishproject.com

Via Wire Transfer: Contact development@starfishproject.com

Giving over £500?

Contact us for information about how to make a donation in the UK and qualify for Gift Aid.

Our Development Director Sarah Kraybill would love to connect with you about your interest in Starfish Project and which giving opportunities might be right for you.

Contact Sarah at (574) 356-1115 or development@starfishproject.com to discuss:

Gifts of Stock or Real Estate

IRA Distributions

Donor Advised Funds

Corporate Match Fund Gifts

Estate Gifts

In-Kind Donations

Thank you! Your gift directly impacts the lives of women escaping exploitation and establishing independence at Starfish Project.

Starfish Project UK is part of the British Association of Fairtrade Shops and Starfish Project inc is a 501(c)(3) (US). Starfish Project has earned the Excellence in Giving Transparency Certificate for charities. We are proud members of the Fair Trade Federation and Freedom Business Alliance.